
Archive for October, 2009

The PSYSOC Autumn Tea Party 2009

The Psychology Society would like to cordially invite you to an afternoon Tea Party on the 31st of October 2009! Come down to get to know the team behind the society’s happenings and also your other fellow members! There will be fun and games, and lots of mingling happening so do come on down and enjoy the saturday afternoon with us. And yes, lunch will be provided, what’s a party without food!

Date: 31st October 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 1130am to 4pm
Attire: Casual

Lunch will be provided. Kindly email us with your special request of Vegetarian/Halal, if any.
Please register via the SIM Student Portal (kindly refer to instructions below) by 26th October 2009.Upon your registration, we shall be providing you with further details at a later date.

Should you have any queries or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us at hr.psysociety@gmail.com.

We hope to see you there!

Warmest Regards,
SIM Psychology Society

Steps to registering your participation for the activity:

1. Log-in to the SIM student portal.
2. Click on the “CCA” Tab on the bottom-left corner.
3. Select “Registration of Activity”.
4. 3 drop-down tabs should show up. Under “CCA Type”, select “Special Interest”, under “Club Name”, select “Psychology Society”, and under “Activity Name”, select “The PSYSOC Autumn Tea Party 2009”. After selecting all 3 of the above, click the “SEARCH” tab. Please do note that this is to be done in sequence and there will be a slight load-up time in between each selection.
5. A table will show up. Locate the “Register Now” column and check the box in it. Following that, click the “REGISTER” tab.
6. A small window will open and ask if you want to register for the event. click “OK”.
7. You are now registered! We will see you then! 🙂

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